Getting an Internal Transaction Number When Exporting and Importing Merchandise

Exporters or their agents are required by the U. S. Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) to file their electronic export information (EEI) through AES for the majority of exports of merchandise valued at a minimum of $2, 500. After submitting the EEI to AESDirect, the AES service offers a confirmation number or the ITN that confirms the acceptance of the information. The ITN serves as the exporter’s proof of filing and the Bills of Lading and the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction must have it. 

How Important is an ITN?

The ITN plays significant roles in the export process. These include the following:

  • Serving as the exporter’s proof of filing. The exporter needs the AES ITN number as proof that they have filed the EEI as the FTR requires. But, the simple act of filing is not enough. It is important to file correct information to avoid civil and criminal penalties of up to $10, 000 per violation that the Office of Export Enforcement (OEE) enforces. This can be avoided if exporters make a Clearit Canada ITN number request
  • Verifying filing accuracy. In a routed export transaction, the ITN lets the exporter ensure the information they filled out was accurate. Exporters who let somebody else file through AES for them must at least monitor every transaction and ensure the freight forwarders they work with are completing the documentation correctly.
  • Meeting certain document requirements. The ITN should appear on some documents to ensure the shipment is not held up in customs or by the carrier or freight forwarder. 

Getting an ITN When Importing into Canada

To get an ITN, it is important to first contact a customs broker about the export of merchandise. The broker will request paperwork based on the seller of the merchandise and what it is used for. For instance, those who want to import a car into Canada for personal use should be able to provide the broker the Bill of sale, a copy of the vehicle’s title, a copy of the importer’s passport, a copy of the importer’s driver’s licence, as well as the name, address, and phone number of the dealer.

The customs broker will submit the paperwork and wait 72 hours to hear back from U. S. customs from the ITN. The importer will be emailed or given this number by phone and can decide to continue to work with their broker or self-declare their purchase.