Mixing cocaine with Ambien has not been shown to have any life-threatening complications. A lethal overdose from either one or both drugs can be enhanced if the two medicines are taken together. In terms of physical impacts, cocaine and ambien are completely opposed.
Ambien, a prescribed sleep medication, is a downer, whereas cocaine, an illegal stimulant, is an upper. Even though the two shouldn’t be combined, it is mostly because of the sleep loss associated with cocaine usage. When it comes to cocaine and Ambien, there are no documented interactions that directly injure the body. Still, both substances can have several dangerous indirect consequences on a person.
The Effects of Using Cocaine and Ambien Together
Taking Ambien and cocaine simultaneously might cause a variety of physical reactions in the body. The body is bombarded with conflicting information when a person ingests both ups and downs. Confusion between extremes can lead to major health hazards, unpredictable responses and organ failure.
Cocaine and Ambien Risks
When using cocaine and Ambien regularly, a person might quickly become dependent on both drugs. Addiction is one of the most serious dangers of mixing these drugs. It is possible to get dependent on both Ambien and cocaine if a person can’t sleep or stay up without these medications. There are a slew of other dangers associated with drug combinations and addiction, and physical dependence.
Risk of Overdose
Ambien and cocaine both have the potential to cause an overdose. Overdosing on either of these drugs can have life-threatening implications, including death. There is a risk that a person will think they’ve taken a safe amount of these substances when they haven’t. Toxic effects from either medication alone may not be apparent, making it easier for someone to take too much at once.